ASM SUBREPORT NotebookSheet Movements
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SELECT an.ID, IF (LENGTH (an.ActiveMovementDate), DATE (an.ActiveMovementDate), '(none)') AS ActiveMovementDate, IF (LENGTH ((SELECT MovementType FROM lksmovementtype WHERE ID = an.ActiveMovementType)), (SELECT MovementType FROM lksmovementtype WHERE ID = an.ActiveMovementType), '(unknown)') AS ActiveMovementType, IF (LENGTH (o.OwnerName), CONCAT (o.OwnerName, '<br />', o.OwnerAddress, '<br />', o.OwnerPostcode, '<br />', o.HomeTelephone), '(None Listed)') AS CurrentOwner FROM animal AS an LEFT OUTER JOIN adoption ad ON ad.ID = an.ActiveMovementID LEFT OUTER JOIN owner o ON o.ID = ad.OwnerID WHERE an.ID=$PARENTKEY$
$$HEADER <h3>Last Movement</h3> <table rules="all" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <th>Movement Type</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Owner</th> </tr> HEADER$$ $$BODY <tr> <td>$ActiveMovementType</td> <td>$ActiveMovementDate</td> <td>$CurrentOwner</td> </tr> BODY$$ $$FOOTER </table> FOOTER$$