ASM SUBREPORT NotebookSheet Vaccinations
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(SELECT vt.VaccinationType, DATE (av.DateRequired) AS DateRequired, DATE (av.DateOfVaccination) AS DateOfVaccination FROM animalvaccination AS av INNER JOIN vaccinationtype vt ON vt.ID = av.VaccinationID WHERE av.AnimalID = $PARENTKEY$ ORDER BY av.DateRequired ) UNION ( SELECT '(none)', '(none)', '(none)' FROM dual WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM animalvaccination WHERE AnimalID = $PARENTKEY$ ) )
$$HEADER <h3>Vaccination Record</h3> <table rules="all" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <th>Vaccination</th> <th>Date Required:</th> <th>Date Given:</th> </tr> HEADER$$ $$BODY <tr> <td>$VaccinationType</td> <td>$DateRequired</td> <td>$DateOfVaccination</td> </tr> BODY$$ $$FOOTER </table> FOOTER$$