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PSK31 is a very intriguing mode, for several reasons. One is the narrow bandwidth it occupies (just *slightly* more than a CW carrier), the noise levels it can operate under, and the non-specialized required hardware to start using it.

While a PC running Windows and a Soundblaster compatible sound card will get you started, the mode is also supported by several of the DSP boards that are becoming common, such as the Motorola EVM56002 board, and the Texas Instrument C50DSK board. Software is also available for Linux and the Macintosh.

This is my page on getting started. There are several out there, but I needed some original content. Seriously, for getting started just receiving PSK31, this is something you can do in about 15 minutes, unless you need to go to Radio Shack for a cable. No soldering, no hardware modifications. Heck, you shouldn't even need any tools!
I don't know why it's the "official" home page, but there is an excellent description of what PSK31 is and is not. This is the place to start with PSK31. There are also a lot of good links to software for PSK31.
This appears to be a good PSK31 resource page, with links to software, hardware, tutorials, resources, etc.
This is probably the penultimate PSK31 software, especially once it's complete. Written by a Russian named Nick (UT2UZ), this software has a really nice waterfall tuning display, doesn't hog the CPU implementing the DSP algorithms, and is reliable and easy to use. About the only downfall is that is allows the selection of several modes that aren't yet implemented. The software is distributed in the U.S. by Jim, WA2VOS, whose web page is, well, a little busy. Be sure to check the link to Nicks page. He has some other interesting software, as well.