Parallax Propeller
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Assorted tips and tricks and useful links for the Propeller chip
- Assembly Subroutine Snippets (SPIN file)
- Propeller Tricks & Traps (forum page, top level)
- Wait for edges with timeouts (forum page)
- Generating DTMF tones (forum page)
- RamBlade CP/M System (by Cluso99) (RamBlade homepage)
- ZiCog Z80 Emulator (by heater)
- MoCog 6809 Emulator (by heater]
- Prop Tools Under Development or Completed
- Ultimate List of Propeller Languages
Waveform Generation
Debuggers, Emulators, Simulators
- Brad's Spin Tool Compiler (development snapshots)
- pacito Propeller Simulator
- GearEmu (old)
- Zero Footprint Debugger
- Documentation, Software, Etc
- Early Propeller Chip Documentation (pdf)
- Propeller Demo Board Schematics
(204 KB)